Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spell Cuba

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque proposed in a speech this week to the third Forum for Latin American and East Asian Cooperation (FEALAC) in Brasilia, to launch a program aimed at eradicating world illiteracy (read the story here). He stated that the reality of 800 million illiterate adults and 80 million children who do not attend school is an unforgivable situation. He said that there “can be no development without human capital and no freedom without culture.”

But Cuba is our enemy and therefore cannot be taken seriously. Surely they harbor ulterior motives. After all if the United States government cannot be bothered to move on behalf of the illiterate and the poor in this nation, how can Cuba seriously expect to take on this task world wide, even with the combined help of other third world nations? I’ll bet Cuba doesn’t even have plans to hire Halliburton.

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